
You do not want change.

Complete change is impossible to affect in either an individual or a society unless that change is made in increments. People must change gradually in order to maintain a sense of continuity. When an individual suggests any form of radical change, it is bcause that individual has already deviated from society's path to some extent. Society will not allow drastic change, even if it is clearly beneficial, nor will it tolerate the source of such change.


Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell.

I've just finished the book "Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell", by Susanna Clarke. This is the first work of fantastic fiction I've been impressed with in over ten years. The prose style of Susanna Clarke is wonderful and meticulous, as if Frank L.L. Baum and Alexandre Dumas had been smooshed into a blender and come out as a smoothie of a whole new flavor. The book may serve as a cautionary tale against the dangers of Hubris and Fear, or possibly as a reminder of how important they are to our society. A little of both, I think. A very fun read.


Blind Faith Revisited.

Not long ago, I wrote an essay on the subject of blind faith. I've never been quite satisfied with the clarity of that essay, or even terribly clear on my own stance. Recently I read an essay which captures my position on the subject far more eloquently than I was capable of phrasing it. If you can find it, the October 9th issue of Time magazine contains an article adapted from the book "The Conservative Soul", by Andrew Sullivan. The article, entitled "When Seeing is not Believing", is a concise statement on the dangers of unquestioned faith, and the undisguised role that it has played in recent politics. I highly recommend the read.