
Ellis Asks for Entries!

Famed alt-comics writer Warren Ellis, who penned 'Transmetropolitan', 'Orbiter', and 'Planetary' among other things, is asking for webcomic entries for a new site called 'Rocket Pirates'. He's asking for any genre, and says nifty things like "Rocket Pirates will be free to all readers, all the time," and "I'm open to any kind of content. You're going to have to work pretty hard to get me to accept a superhero project for the site, but if you've got something that knocks me flat, I'll take it."

So if you're into doing your own comics, give him something to think about. I'm considering whipping something up myself (If I can find the spare time).

Update: Ellis has temporarily closed his request for submissions, citing the fact that he recieved over 300 submissions in just a few days time. He says he'll reopen them when he's not quite as busy.


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