
Fence Sitting: A response.

Jahrykai commented on my last post, and I feel the need to respond to this rather eloquent sentiment: "Get off the fence, you pussy."


Actually, I know exactly where I stand on this issue. Perhaps I didn't state my side clearly enough. Where I stand is exactly, decisively and definitively on the fence. In fact, I'm camped there indefinitely, and here's why.

I do not use fences to divide, to categorize or to create the illusion of separation. For those who build fences, you're either on this side or that, with us or them. All things are either black or white, yes or no, on or off. Such fences quickly become walls for people to hide behind, walls that obstruct one's view of the panoramic scene, keeping the individual blind, stupid and comfortable. I consider this to be a form of willful ignorance, and an act of cowardice in those who are intelligent enough to know better.

Now, I admit freely that such ignorance is much more comfortable than living in a grey reality. I consider myself to be among, and have great respect for those who set aside such comfort in order to freely admit that they don't know everything, especially when it comes to the nature of the universe.

Again I'd like to point out, just for the record, that I am not attacking those who believe in god, but rather those who claim that this is the only possible reality, and that the existence of God is a proven and undisputed fact worthy of basing decisions upon. I attack those who attack my ethical and moral standards on the basis that these standards do not fall within their religious document of choice. I attack those who cannot see beyond the fence of their own perspective, and who spend their time trying to impose their morality upon others. Belief in a god is a private matter, and it is none of my business what you or anyone else chooses to believe. I only ask that you educate yourself. Don't spend time in the dark, trying to make everything fit into a predefined set of conceptions.

So, here's my suggestion to everyone out there that remains in the darkness: Quit hiding behind the fence, you pussies. What are you afraid of heights or something? Step up onto the fence. The view from up here is a lot more clear.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The knife's edge of rationality is at once more challenging, and more rewarding, than any set of beliefs handed down to you en masse.

12:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the other hand, there are times when I'm getting dumped on by life when it would be really nice to be able to believe that I'm being taught some sort of a lesson by a higher being or that at least someone up there is listening to me piss and moan about it.

9:29:00 PM  
Blogger Q. said...

Yeah, I know what you mean about that one.

"The worst moment for an atheist is when he is really thankful and has no one to thank" - Dante Rosetti (1828-1882).

(Not that I would associate myself with the atheists...)

11:19:00 AM  
Blogger Q. said...

Uh... cause I've not posted anything in words in about a month. oops.

10:12:00 AM  

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